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You want to look your very best, but acne scars and dead skin can affect your appearance. 

Acne can cause depressions or pits in the skin. These scars are referred to as “atrophic” scars, and are indented in appearance due to healing that occurs below the expected layer of skin. Conversely, raised acnes scars are more common on the back and chest, and referred to as “hypertrophic.” How does an atrophic scar develop? The skin simply can’t regenerate tissue correctly. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) report that “atrophic scars are seen in nearly 80-90% of patients, and they are typically numerous.”

Dead skin, on the other hand, can be caused by weather, lifestyle, products, age, sun exposure and dehydration. Unless those cells are properly sloughed away, the skin starts to appear dull, lifeless and sometimes flaky and dry.


The Treatment

The Art of Skin Dermatology is among the best medispas Hudson Valley has to offer—providing dermaplaning (also known as dermablading) for both men and women.

  • Minimally invasive procedure involves the use of a handheld instrument called a dermatome, which looks like an electric razor
  • Oscillating blade moves back and forth to evenly “skim” off the surface layers of skin that surround the craters, or other facial defects
  • Delivers exfoliation along with hair removal (“peach fuzz”) 
  • Creates hair-free base for make-up to be applied on
  • Can be done on small areas of skin, or on the entire face—alone or with other procedures
  • Can be used to shape eyebrows for a more polished look
  • Skin type, coloring and medical history determine the effectiveness of the treatment

Let’s connect.

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